February 27, 2012

I hate rude behavior in a man - I won't tolerate it

Like Haley, I woke up this morning feeling renewed in purpose! 

I got to the gym before 5 a.m. and had planned on doing the "incline trainer".  There are a total of 4 of these machines at the Spanish Fork Gold's....they were already taken.  I figured, no big thing - all 4 people have been on over 30 mins, I'll jump on the elliptical right behind them and as soon as someone leaves I will incline climb my way to success!  Unfortunately, all 4 people went for well over an hour.  I watched them every second of the way slowly steaming about why all 4 people have decided to walk/jog at a 0 incline on the Incline Climber.  I wanted to scream "If you're not going to use the incline use a BLEEPING regular treadmill!" But I didn't, I patiently bit my tongue and waited for my turn. Women started to line up behind people on these machines.  I wanted to yell "ME FIRST!  I have been waiting 45 mins!"  Two of the ladies on the incline climbers seemed like they had finished their workout and proceeded to stretch on the machine as people were waiting.  So I politely asked.  "Are you almost done?  People are anxious to use the INCLINE climber" - It's true I did emphasize the INCLINE and perhaps.... that was not so polite.  They said, "you bet, just a minute".  So me and 3 other hungry-for-incline ladies patiently waited.  15 MINS they spent stretching ON the machine and chatting with each other.

The following clip demonstrates my feelings towards rude behavior.  - As my dad says, "Every situation in life can be referred to a quote/clip from Lonesome Dove" - too true, daddy-o! (its a long clip, but starting at 2 mins. in gives you exactly what I felt like!)

Luckily, I plan on kick-boxing tomorrow morning - perhaps those two ladies will be in that class and ACCIDENTLY, I may kick them in the rear.

On a brighter note, I am renewed in purpose and got 1200 calories burned before breakfast!


Ninja-Nellie said...

p.s. don't judge me for my many grammatical mistakes....I've discovered that's how I roll as a blogger.

Bethany said...

nothing, nothing, NOTHING in the world I love more than Woodrow Call and Gus Mcrae.

Anonymous said...

1200 calories before breakfast. impressive!

Cass said...

Love Lonesome Dove :)